Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan

What is fair housing?
The Affirmative Fair Housing Market Plan is a marketing strategy designed to attract buyers and renters of all groups (majority and minority), irrespective of their sex, handicap, familial status, etc to assisted and insured dwellings. Many state funded, insured or assisted housing programs are obligated to create and implement an AFHM plan. Find out what this means to you, and what your responsibilities are.
What is an Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing (AFHM) Plan?
Many federal or state funded, insured or assisted housing programs in Michigan have an obligation to create and implement an Affirmatively Fair Housing Marketing (AFHM) Plan (Pioneer Educator). The AFMH Plan is a marketing strategy designed to attract buyers and renters of all majority and minority groups, regardless of sex, handicap, familial status, etc. to assisted and insured rental projects and sales dwellings which are being marketed. The Plan describes initial advertising, outreach (community contacts) and other marketing activities which inform potential buyers and renters of the existence of the units. No applications for applicable HUD-assisted programs may be funded without an approved AFMH Plan.
Who should create an Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan? – Federal Housing Programs
All applicants for subsidized and unsubsidized multifamily projects, mobile home parks and single-family subdivisions of five or more units, spaces or lots which are funded or insured under certain HUD programs are subject to program requirements which carry an obligation to create an AFHM Plan. Applicants may include Public Housing Authorities, non-profit developers or housing providers, and other HUD program participants. Examples of HUD programs which require an AFHM Plan include:
  • Section 221 (d)(2) Homeownership Assistance and 221(d)(3) Below-Market Interest Rate
  • Sections 235 and 236
  • Sections 232, 234(c) and 213 – Condominium and Cooperative Housing
  • Section 232 – Nursing Homes and Intermediate Care Facilities
  • Section 207 – Mobile Home Courts
  • Sections 207, 220, 221(d)(3) and (4) – Multifamily Rental Housing
  • Rental Assistance Payment (RAP) and Rent Supplement
  • Section 8 Project-Based Assistance
  1. Section 202 Projects with Section 8 Assistance
  2. Rural Housing Section 515 Projects with Section 8 Assistance
  3. Loan Management Set Aside (LMSA)
  4. Property Disposition Set-Aside (PDSA)
  • Section 202 with 162 Assistance – Project Assistance Grants (Section 202 PACs)
  • Section 202 with Project Rental Assistance Contracts (Section 202 PRACs)
  • Section 202 without Assistance (Income Limits Only)
  • Section 203(b) and (1) – One-to-Four-Family Mortgage Insurance for Homeowners
  • Section 811 with Project Rental Assistance Contracts (Section 811 PRACs)
State Housing Programs – The Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) requires that all MSHDA financed developments maintain a current approved AFHM plan on-site.
 The Affirmative Fair Marketing Plan Approval Process
  • Once we receive your AFM plan it is first reviewed by Eric Boyd, then sent for secondary review to
    Bernard Brown, Manager of Compliance & Diversity.
  • If there are any problems with the Federal or State plans submitted you will be notified.
    MassHousing reviews and approves new HUD Risk Sharing AFM plans, but does not approve other
    types of HUD AFM plans. In these cases, we only identify what needs to be submitted for approval.
    It is your responsibility to make corrections and resubmit the corrected AFM plan to HUD.
  • In cases other than new Risk Sharing deals, we request that developments submit their HUD plans to
    HUD for approval. Compliance and Diversity only reviews these plans for completeness and notifies
    developments of missing addendums such as section 4C (Market Outreach Efforts) and 6B (EO
  • Developments are also informed that the omission of attachment 4C and 6B may result in their plan
    not being approved.
  • MassHousing/State AFM plans are approved by MassHousing and a copy will be sent to you with a
    copy remaining in our files.

DeadlineMassHousing Response
If your AFM Plan’s 5 year validity period is expireda letter/ email will be sent to the property manager advising that the Affirmative Fair
Marketing Plan is expired and requesting compliance within fifteen calendar days.
If your Affirmative Fair Marketing
Plan has not been received within
(15) fifteen calendar days
a second letter will be sent to the property manager advising that the Affirmative Fair Marketing Plan is expired and requesting compliance within fifteen calendar days.
If your Affirmative Fair Marketing
Plan has not been received within
(30) thirty calendar days
a third letter/ email will be sent to the property manager as well as the designated regional
manager. It will note that the management company is non-compliant with the Equal
Opportunity contractual agreement to abide by the Affirmative Fair Marketing Guidelines.
If your Affirmative Fair Marketing
Plan has not been received within
(45) fourty-five calendar days
a fourth letter/ email will be sent to the property manager, regional manager as well as the
designated CEO. It will note that the management company is non-compliant with the
Equal Opportunity contractual agreement to abide by the Affirmative Fair Marketing


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